Characters and Art by Sinister aka Metal The Hedgehog / Metal Teccbad
Dale The Dog
Nickname: /
Species: Dog (Dobermann)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Team: BDK (Bruce, Dale, Kate)
Formation: Speed
Personality: Very lawful hotheaded leader of Team BDK. Dale is extremly protective.
Goal: Join the G.U.N.S.D.
Family: Not related but Bruce and Kate are like his Family
Friends: Bruce, Kate
Rival: Bullet, Belka
Enemy: Neo, Caligo, Crimals
Kate The Balinese (Cat)
Nickname: /
Species: Cat
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Team: BDK (Bruce, Dale, Kate)
Formation: Fly
Personality: Positive, joyful, little chaotic and full of energy.
Goal: Owning a giant battle robot.
Family: Not related but Bruce and Dale are like her Family
Friends: Bruce, Dale, Alley, Chief, Bullet, Belka, Twig
Rival: /
Enemy: /
Info: Kate is the cute little techfreak of the Group. Taking over the fly part with a drone, always amazed by the smallest machines.
Kate loves robots and adroids. Always very positive and expressive, also she is mute. Kates best friends are the other Members of his Team, Dale and Bruce.
Also Kate is often the one getting into trouble, thats why Bruce and Dale easily getting over protective over Kate. Nothing should dare hurt their little fluff ball.
Bruce The Tasmaniandevil
Nickname: /
Species: Tasmanian Devil
Alignment: Neutral Good
Team: BDK (Bruce, Dale, Kate)
Formation: Power
Personality: Nice, chilled, soft guy
Goal: /
Family: Not related but Kate and Dale are like her Family
Friends: Bruce, Dale
Rival: /
Enemy: /
Info: He likes to bake and cook, joga. He is kinda the "mom" of the group.
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